Asbestos has been extensively used in construction for decades. Known for its heat-resistant properties, asbestos was once a popular choice for insulation, flooring, and roofing materials. However, asbestos has since been linked to various serious health conditions, such as lung cancer and mesothelioma. To ensure a property’s safety, asbestos testing is crucial. In this blog post, we’ll guide you on understanding asbestos, who should test for it, and what actions you should take!
What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a mineral that occurs naturally in the environment in six different types, out of which chrysotile, amosite, and crocidolite are the most commonly found types in construction. Asbestos is known for its remarkable strength, heat, and chemical resistance, and was widely used in the manufacturing, construction, and automotive industries. The inhalation of asbestos fibers poses serious health risks due to its carcinogenic nature, and can lead to lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other lung diseases.
Who should get Asbestos Testing?
If you suspect that your property was built before the 1980s, you should get a professional asbestos inspection to ensure a safe and healthy environment. It’s essential to test for asbestos before any renovation or demolition project, too, as doing so could disturb asbestos fibers and release them into the air. Property owners, landlords, and tenants should ascertain that the property doesn’t contain any asbestos for safe occupancy.
Who can perform Asbestos Testing?
Asbestos inspection and testing should be carried out by accredited professionals, like certified building inspectors, industrial hygienists, and environmental consultants. These professionals can perform a visual inspection, look for asbestos-containing materials, and collect samples of suspect materials to determine if they contain asbestos. Accredited professionals ensure accurate and reliable results while following safety protocols.
When to test for Asbestos?
An inspection and testing for asbestos should be performed as soon as possible if any building materials are damaged, friable, or if you’re planning any renovations or demolition projects. Asbestos testing is also recommended if you suspect that asbestos-contaminated vermiculite was used in your attic insulation. In addition, if you or your family members have been experiencing respiratory issues, it’s always better to get an asbestos test done.
What to do if you find Asbestos?
If your property has asbestos-containing materials, you should hire an accredited professional to investigate and recommend ways to manage or remove the asbestos-containing materials as soon as possible. In cases where asbestos-containing materials are in good condition and don’t pose an immediate health risk, encapsulation, or physical barriers, such as covering, sealing, or enclosing could be an effective solution. However, if the asbestos-containing materials are in terrible condition, removal is the only effective option, and it should be done by accredited and licensed professionals who follow safety protocol guidelines.
Asbestos can pose significant health risks, so testing is essential to ensure that your property is safe for habitation. Now that you’ve understood the basics of asbestos testing, you should hire an accredited professional to assess your property and provide you with the appropriate advice. Prevention is the best cure, so get your property inspected to ensure a safe and healthy environment. It’s better to be safe than sorry!